Basketball Connect and fees reminders

Hi all,

please note the info below (3 points)

1. Fee reminders

Thanks to everyone who has emailed/texted/called. Please be aware that bank transfers need to be checked manually (which takes time) and thus invoices have not been updated. This will happen soon, but as per previous announcements, please do NOT send me your payment receipts (unless requested). To make the process easier, please follow payment instructions and use the players FULL NAME as a reference to ensure the transaction can be matched to the player. Thanks.

2.. Basketball Connect.

Please get in and register for Basketball Connect ASAP so that your child's name will be in the system on game days. Once you register with Hurricanes (as per previous instructions), search for your teams as follows to ensure you can see times/locations of your games each week:

(please disregard the coach names in brackets - but you will see them on Basketball Connect.)

SBH801 Miniball

SHB1001 Purple - Brett (& Alvin)
SBH1201 Gold - Jason
SBH1202 Purple - Alvin & Brett
SBH1203 Red- Holy
SBH1401 Gold - Leon
SBH1402 Purple - Xin (& Jason)
SBH1403 Red - Kyle
SBH1601 Gold Onai
SBH1602 Purple - Joe (& Chris)
SBH1603 Purple - Ryan
SBH1604 Red - Chris
SBH1605 Red - Ryan Ng
SBH1606 Red - Jaxson (& Shayne)
SBH1801 Gold - Leon
SBH1802 Gold - Joe
SBH1803 Purple - Shayne
SBH1804 Purple - Ryan
SBH1805 Red - Mike & Ollie

3. There will likely be a few movements across teams over the next couple of weeks (which may also impact your training days) - please be sure to keep checking emails. A lot of people are telling me they didn't get emails (but please check your spam folder) - that is where they have ended up for these people. Save our announcements as not spam to ensure you continue to get up to date info. Your coaches should have all been in touch in group chats, so please be active in those chats for any game/training info.

All the best for round one, and for those with byes, good luck next week.


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